JP2 News Crew Thursday September 21, 2017

Student of the week

Christian McAllister, nominated by his calculus teacher, Mrs. Serna.

Thank you!

to all Centurion families for making the 2017 Homecoming Dance a great success!  We had a great turnout, live entertainment and many chaperones and donations.  We look forward to Favorites in the Spring! From your St. John Paul II HS Student Council.

SuperFan Cards
are for sale online! Here: 
Buy a student card for $10 and get into 10 non-varsity football athletic games.  $20 for 10 games for adults.

Fall Break!

Monday, October 2, 2017 to Friday, October 6, 2017

Red Ribbon Week

is coming up on October 23-31! Your future is key, so stay drug free!

Student Council 

will be selling class specific t-shirts in October! Support the council and your class! 
